General membership  meetings are held on the second Monday of each month beginning with praying the Rosary at 7:15 pm in the parish hallOfficer meetings are also on the second Monday at 6:15 in the parish hall.

Annual activities include: Roses for Life, , BBQs, Fish Frys, Annual Third Grade Basketball Tournament, Road Rally, Texas Hold’em, Mouse Races, dice wheel booth at the picnic,  6 blood drives,  nativity setup/removal, lenten and advent prayer services, basketball free-throw and soccer challenge competitions, and sponsoring of 4 youth and 2 adults to the March for Life in Washington D.C.  See more information under Principals.

Blood Drives confirmed so far,  for 2014: Feb 16, April 13, June 8


Fifth Sundays for 2014:   March 30 , June 29, Sept. 29 and Nov. 30

Retreat at the White House : Sept. 18 thru 21rd 2014,

25th Anniversary Celebration:  June 29th, 2014
(Initiation of Officers will be held at the June meeting)

Calendar for the 2013-2014 fiscal Year. (click here)

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